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【字体:[大][中][小] 】【发布时间:2021-01-18】 【作者:管理员/来源: 本站】 【阅读:次】【关闭窗口】





【关键词】成语故事  高中英语教学   视听学习





2. 利用成语故事学习语法,实用有效。用成语故事学习语法时,学生是对耳熟能详、妇孺皆知成语也反复使用英语词汇语法,提升语言表达能力; 同时与高考题型紧密对接(续写、填空、改错),学生可以即学即练,能提高应试能力。




单一的词汇学习枯燥无聊,但是成语有很强的语境,将词汇等语言知识放置在一个具体的段落篇章中,可以让学生通过整个主题及故事更真实、更准确地感知语言。而在成语故事中,最能简单有效地设置语言学习的情境。例如,成语故事《班门弄斧》,从中可以学习到“carpenter,delicate,exaggerate,be regarded as,make the best of,couldn’t help doing…”等单词和短语。教师在成语故事视听学习的过程中,对学生词汇的发音、词块的应用进行指导和纠正。



Being in power for many years, Huo Guang had made great    1    (contribution) to the Western Han Dynasty. After Liu Xun    2    (move) upward upon the throne, he made Xu his queen.    3    (run) after wealth and rank, Huo Guang's wife Huo Xian tried to make her youngest daughter Chengjun the queen of Liu Xun. So, taking the opportunity of the queen's    4    (ill), Huo Xian bribed a woman doctor who poisoned the queen to death. The secret    5    (bring) to light, and the woman doctor was put    6    jail.

Huo Guang knew nothing about it beforehand, and it was not until after the event    7    his wife told him about it. He thought of reporting his wife for her crime, but at the same time did not have the heart to have her wife    8   (punish). After much hesitation, he didn’t take any action in    9    end. After the death of Huo Guang , Emperor Xuandi knew it. Someone was sent    10    (investigate) it. Hearing about Huo Guang's wife rebellion, Emperor Xuandi sent troops to surround Huo's home, and all the members of Huo's family were killed.



“The moon did fall into the well! Come on! Let’s get it out!”...

So the monkeys talked under the tree about how to pick up the moon. The head monkey said, "I've come up with a way. I’ll grab the branch just above the moon, and another monkey grab my tail and go down one by one to get the moon!

So they did make a chain one by one. The branches bent like bows because the moneys were too heavy. The last monkey hit the surface of the spring. The calm water was rippled and the shadow of the moon was invisible. When they struggled to find the moon, the branches finally couldn't stand the weight, and all the monkeys fell into the water.





[1] 杜志萍. 寓言故事在英语教学中的运用和对比[J],校园英语,201707):169

[2] 刘洋. 故事教法在小学英语教学中的应用探究[J],现代交际,20181):192-193

[3] 关琳. 思维导图在高中英语阅读教学中的应用[J],现代交际:学术版,2018
